Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Bumpdate Weeks 29-33

Week 29, April 14th-April 21st, 2015

How I am feeling: Feeling lots of movement and the baby found my ribs this week. The baby isn't in my ribs all the time but I have noticed that he/she is starting to explore that area more. I have to watch my posture because if I slouch too much the baby starts kicking and asking for more room :). I've had some dull, aching pain in my lower abdomen which can last 30 minutes to an hour but it doesn't feel like a contraction. I have some low back pain but it isn't bad.
Funny Jake Moments/Commentary: I was talking to Jake through Google Chat and telling him that Baker had been moving a lot and responds with "I'm really starting to like that kid."
Size of the Baby: 15.25 inches, Butternut Squash, 2.5 lbs
What is the Baby up to this Week:  Over the next three months the baby is in for a major growth spurt. I may notice smaller movement inside my belly. The third trimester will bring back fatigue and I will feel short of breath since the uterus is pushing up on my diaphragm.
Best Moment this Week: Catching Baker moving on video.
Food Cravings: Fruit
What I Miss: Not much.
Most Looking Forward To: Getting to the single digit week countdown.
Thankful for: A great trip back home seeing friends.
Weight Gain/Loss: +0.4 pounds (+11.8 lbs total)
Clothing: Maternity plus a few new things I picked up when I was back in the states.
Sleep: Sleep has been good. Still waking up to use the bathroom once a night but falling back asleep okay.
Exercise: I didn't work out this week since we just got back from the US and I don't work out on weekends :).
Movement: So much movement! I got a great video of it.
Gender: Surprise!

Week 30, April 22nd-April 28th, 2015
A few outtakes because after 30 weeks these pictures are starting to get a little boring :).
How I am feeling: I think I started to feel some braxton hicks contractions. One fun side effect of pregnancy I haven't mentioned yet (and I didn't even really know was a side effect of pregnancy) are nose bleeds. My nose bleeds now when I blow it. I haven't had a full on nose bleed but more often than not when I blow my nose it is bloody. With all the weird pregnancy symptoms this isn't such a bad one to have. My nose has also been more stuffed up than normal which is also common. My back hurts a little more if I'm just lounging on the couch and not sitting up straight.
Funny Jake Moments/Commentary: While we were sorting through baby clothes Jake said he might need some wine but I told him he was already whining enough :). When he held up a 0-3 month onesie I told him that wasn't the newborn size. He then said he couldn't imagine anything smaller than so I was responsible for anything smaller than what could fit in a 0-3 month onesie. After it was big enough to fit in the onesie he would help out. He is funny. I am sure he will be singing a different tune once the baby gets here.
Size of the Baby: 15.7 inches, cabbage, 2.75 lbs
What is the Baby up to this Week:  As the baby continues to practice breathing I may notice a bout of hiccups.
Best Moment this Week: Washing all the baby clothes and blankets and sorting them with Jake. It is starting to feel real and I love it! We are 75% of the way there!
Food Cravings: Grapes & Fruit. I feel less guilty eating fruit than chocolate and it is sweet enough to hold me over most of the time.
What I Miss: Not much.
Most Looking Forward To: Seeing the baby in the outfits that we sorted :).
Thankful for:  Having Jake sort the clothes with me so he knows what they are called and where they are when we need them.
Weight Gain/Loss: +1.4 pounds (+13.2 lbs total) 
Clothing: Maternity
Sleep: Still good.
Exercise: Only one workout this week but I was pretty sore afterwards since it has been about 2 weeks since I last worked out. I started doing planks again (after I asked my doctor if it was safe) and I was pretty sore afterwards. I only held it for 10 seconds each time but it was still enough to feel the burn.
Movement: Lots of moving. Sometimes it is painful. I think the baby might have shifted again because I feel more movements by my hips and legs than I did before. I still feel the feet on my right side. While Jake and I were napping together over the weekend I was laying on my side with my belly against Jake's side and he could feel Baker kicking which was funny.
Gender: Surprise!

Week 31, April 29th-May 5th, 2015
I usually freak out when I see my shadow on the wall so this week Jake took a picture of it.
How I am feeling: Starting to feel pretty tired and getting more swollen by the end of the day. The baby started getting hiccups a couple of times which is funny to feel. I'm starting to feel more nervous/anxious about the birth. I'm worried about the pain level and how I'll tolerate things but I'm mostly worried about the health of the baby and me at the end of it all. I just want to come home with a healthy baby and mama. I feel like some people take that piece of this process for granted. I am also nervous to see how parenthood changes our marriage. We have gotten really close over the last two years and I don't want that to come crashing down in our sleep deprived months that are ahead of us. I know we will still be a team but it will just be harder than it is now. We've talked about making sure we don't develop bad habits but I'm still a bit worried. You could say I like my sleep and can be grumpy without it.
Funny Jake Moments/Commentary: Not that I can think of. We did buy a rocking chair and he picked it up this week with his boss which I was really thankful for.
Size of the Baby: 16.25 inches, 4 Navel Oranges (I blame pregnancy brain for the lack of fruit in this picture. I forgot to get it from the store on the way home), 3.3 lbs
What is the Baby up to this Week:  This week the baby is gaining more weight as the baby fat is filling in underneath the skin. By now, the baby's irises can dilate and respond to changes in light.
Best Moment this Week: We got to meet Florian, Tim and Mona's little boy. Tim is Jake's good friend at work. We went to Taiwan and Beijing with Tim and have hung out with him several times. It was really neat and a little scary seeing them with a new baby thinking that will be us in about 2 months. They aren't getting much sleep and were still trying to figure out life as parents but they looked really happy!
Food Cravings: Grapes! I made Jake go to the store and get me some grapes when we ran out so I guess this was my first weird food craving. I didn't think he would get them but the next morning I woke up and he had them for me. I was SO excited! I ate almost a whole carton in one day. He was smart though and saved a few back for me for the next day.
What I Miss: Sleeping on my back. My maternity pillow helps but my hips are starting to hurt when I sleep.
Most Looking Forward To: Single digit weeks left.
Thankful for: My niece Avery was born at 31 weeks and 5 days. When she was born I knew several friends who had babies early so I knew she would be okay but being 31 weeks and 5 days pregnant is scary thinking about having a baby that early. My sister-in-law was brave. She handled that way better than I realized until I was that far along with this pregnancy.
Weight Gain/Loss: +2 pounds (+15.2 lbs total) 
Clothing: Maternity
Sleep: Still good.
Exercise: Eh, not doing so hot but I have been getting in a lot of steps even though they haven't been at the gym. I did work out once during the week at the gym.
Movement: Lots of moving and kicking in my ribs. Some kicks are pretty hard. I can definitely feel a pattern of sleeping and awake time. Usually when I lay down to take a nap with Jake, Baker decides to wake up and kick him which I think is funny.
Gender: Surprise!

Week 32, May 6th-May 12th, 2015
I just feel round. From the side I still think I don't look that big but straight on . . . is a different story.
How I am feeling: I have been feeling more pregnant the last week or two. Weird huh? It is starting to slow me down. I am not miserable but I am very aware that I'm pregnant. I still can't get over the growing belly but I sure do love it!
Funny Jake Moments/Commentary: Jake picking out newborn clothes was really fun to see. He would flip flop between being really excited and a little freaked out that we will be in charge of something that small.
Size of the Baby: 16.7 inches, large jicama (no idea what that is), 3.75 lbs
What is the Baby up to this Week:  The baby is really plumping up and will gain almost half his body weight by the time I deliver. This needed baby fat will help keep the baby warm in the outside world.
Best Moment this Week: Celebrating Mother's day!
Coming home outfits!
For Mother's Day, Jake made us Swedish pancakes for breakfast and we went shopping for coming home outfits for Baker. It was so fun picking them out! Most of the clothes we've borrowed or been given tend to be a little more boyish so it was so fun picking out a girly outfit just in case :).
Four things you should know about these pictures: #1 - 32 weeks is 8 months if I continue to count the way I started. #2 - I don't do candid shots well . . . I just look like a dork. #3 - We didn't have a large jicama (the fruit/veggie) of the week but Jake realized the calzone I had for dinner one night was about the correct size. #4 - Jake painted my toes for my baby showers when we were back home and this week he took the polish off for me. He is great!
Food Cravings: Fruit
What I Miss: Sleeping on my back.
Most Looking Forward To: Meeting the baby . . . but not really the labor.
Thankful for: Jake being so involved and for a healthy pregnancy.
I got to see Baker this week. We were just checking to make sure the placenta wasn't in the way. Also, during the appointment I found out the baby's head measured right on track. The last two times it was measuring ahead, get it? The baby weighed 1850 grams (1950 grams is the average) or about 4 lbs 1 oz. 
Weight Gain/Loss: +1.2 pounds (+16.4 lbs total) 
My new view . . . so crazy!
Clothing: Maternity
Sleep: My back is starting to hurt when I sleep in on the weekends. I think my body misses being able to be on my back plus the extra weight probably doesn't help.
Exercise: I worked out twice this week and felt really good.
Movement: Lots of moving. I thought the baby was supposed to be running out of room but it turns out the baby is just making new room . . . in my ribs.
Gender: Surprise!

Week 33, May 13th-May 19th, 2015
Thought I'd include a picture in my workout clothes. Let's just say the bump is obvious now and when I work out I definitely get some looks.
How I am feeling: Definitely feel like I need to slow down. I have no energy to go to the gym (the picture above was from a prenatal pilates workout at home) and my legs are swollen by the end of the day. I know they could be a lot worse but they still swell during the day. I've started lying down at work in the staff room occasionally just to give my body a break. Thankfully Chelsea usually hangs out with me when I'm in there.
Funny Jake Moments/Commentary: Jake worked on the baby box holder which is great since we will need it to make sure the baby box doesn't fall off the night stand. #thingsIneverthoughtI'dsay
Size of the Baby: 17 inches, pineapple, 4.25 lbs
What is the Baby up to this Week:  Over the next four weeks the baby will put on another half pound per week. This rapid weight gain will slow by next month. The skeleton is also hardening although the bones in his skull will not fuse together completely, but will overlap allowing for continued growth all the way up until early adulthood.
Best Moment this Week: Watching the baby move all around and having it start to sink in that we are getting close to meeting Baker.
Food Cravings: Fruit
What I Miss: Being able to hug Jake front to front :).
Most Looking Forward To: Rocking Baker to sleep!
Thankful for: Jake taking great care of me.
Weight Gain/Loss: +1.2 pounds (+17.6 lbs total) 
Clothing: Maternity
Sleep: I had a head cold for a few days which made sleeping a little more difficult but it is still pretty good.
Exercise: Only worked out once this week at home doing prenatal pilates but did some walking during the week and went on a long walk this weekend (that totally kicked my butt).
Movement: One night Baker was moving SO much. We tried getting it on video but you just can't see it on film like you can in real life.
Gender: Surprise!

If you missed the other bumpdates you can read about them here: Weeks 4-16, Weeks 17-19, Weeks 20-22 and Weeks 23-28.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Baby Showers! (And Our Time Home in April)

We had such a great time at home in April seeing friends and family and showing off the belly.  My friends and family are awesome and they threw a few showers for us while we were home.  I was so excited about the showers because it meant I got to see most of my friends twice.  It is so hard coming home and being excited to see friends only to have the first time you see them in months also be the last time you see them again for several more months.  Since the baby showers were extra get togethers other than our normal dinner and lunch dates I/we got to see most people twice.  I was excited to get lots of fun baby things but seeing all those people that I love in one place was priceless.

We flew from Stockholm to Chicago and then Chicago to Kansas City on April 1st.  We bought economy plus seats to give us a little extra room plus that flight option only had two legs instead of three for less than $100 per ticket which seemed worth it to us.  Once we checked in at the airport we realized we were upgraded to business class.  I think all pregnant ladies should get upgraded to business class if it is available.  It was so nice having lots of space and a roomier bathroom that I used a lot on the flight.  I went to the bathroom more on that plane ride than I have on all other plane rides combined.
We landed in KC around 5:20 and we were having dinner with friends by 7:20.  Let's just say I like to see people the day we land.  If I'm going to be in the US I might as well be hanging out with friends :).

Wichita Shower with my Roommates!
On Saturday, April 4th my college roommates and my sister-in-law Missy threw a baby shower for me at Jami's house in Wichita.  They picked a super cute theme and they almost didn't send me an invite ahead of time to keep it a secret but then they changed their minds.
How cute is that invite?  My roommate Kelli designed it so I shouldn't be surprised but I LOVED it!
The decorations were so cute.  They printed pictures from our trips over the last 2 years and had those around the house as decorations.  Since the shower was at 10 am we had brunch food.  Kelli gave us the "You Are Our Greatest Adventure" print and as you know from my maternity pictures I love it!

  They played a game called "Where In the World is Little Baby Janzen?"  Emily had me send her pictures of places we traveled while I was pregnant and then people at the party had to guess.  We also played a game where we had to guess if the fact was Jake or me as a baby.
Jake's Aunt Kathy, Cousin Amy and Katie came up for the shower.  I love his Dad's side of the family.  They are so fun.  The last several summers we have gone down to Oklahoma for a long weekend to spend time with them and it is one of my favorite things to do in the summer.  I can't wait for the next Knox get together!
 So many people I love all in one room!
 LaDonna was my second Mom growing up and I was so thankful she was able to make it to the shower!
 Cousin Amy is SO much fun!  I just love her.  She drove up from Oklahoma just for the shower.  She speaks my love language. #qualitytime
The roommates and the moms!

 I love these girls!
 Chris Mason braved all the ladies and came to the shower!  He was the counselor at the first school I worked at and we've kept in touch even though I haven't taught with him in over 7 years.  I was so thankful to have him there!  He definitely added some spunk to the baby shower.
 Getting some great advice.  I can't wait to call these girls to pick their brains once the baby is born.
 We were trying to get the baby to wake up and move a little.

 Jake showed up at the end of the shower to see everyone and to help with gifts.
The grandmas!

Family Baby Shower at Aunt Sharon's House
My mom did a great job on the shower invite!
We had Easter lunch at my Aunt Sharon's house on Sunday and after lunch we had a family baby shower.  It was so much fun.  My Aunt and Mom did an awesome job planning the shower and all the fun games we played.  My cousin Danielle took pictures during the shower and there are some pretty good ones :).
 The decorations were so cute!  We had monkey, onesie and stroller cookies.  My Aunt also made a diaper cake.  The decorations above the fireplace were for a game we played during the shower.  After the shower started my Uncle Tom took down all 6 items and we had to write down what we thought was hanging on the string.  I got 5 out of 6 correct without looking at the picture on my camera :).
 Danielle and Alex, the photographers.
 My Mom and Aunt Susan playing a game where we had to pass a pacifier to each other using straws.  It was pretty funny.  My team won.
 The next game you had to guess how much string would fit around my belly.  Jake won and only guessed about a half an inch too big.  
 Lauren was also pretty close but a few of my relatives were WAY off.

 It was so much fun celebrating Baby Janzen with the Jones side of the family!
 A photographer selfie!

My Aunt Sharon did such a great job with the shower and the awesome games.  It was so much fun!

KC Shower
One of my best friends, Jan, who I have known since 6th grade, threw a shower at her house with another great friend of mine, Nikki.  I taught across the hall from Nikki for 5 years and she is awesome!
Jan and Nikki rocked the food and decorations for the shower.  We had chocolate chip cookies, animal crackers, twizzlers, fruit, chocolate dipped oreos and pretzels and Dairy Queen Ice Cream Cake!  When Jake walked in he commented on how it looked like all of my favorite foods were just hanging out.  Plus they had big gerbera daisies!
It was so much fun hanging out with these girls at my shower.  Being away from home is hard but I love coming back and picking up right where we left off.  Friends that can keep in touch with an ocean in between are friends that will last forever!
 Nikki has the best facial expressions!
 Liz works with Jake at Garmin.  She is awesome.  She is SO excited for this baby and that just makes me smile.  She needed to see my bump as soon as we got in town.  I can't wait to introduce "Baker" to Liz when we get home.
 My sister-in-law Lindsay and my niece Jocelyn.  I can't wait to be back to spend more time with them!
 Best friends since 6th Grade.
A Few Other Pictures
We had lunch and dinner plans for almost every single meal while we were home.  Our schedule is packed when we are back and we are exhausted by the end of the day but I wouldn't have it any other way.  I just hope when we move back for good people still want to see us :).
 The Boys.  These four guys did everything together in high school, especially junior and senior year.  Since Jake and I dated in high school I also did a lot with them.  It was fun hanging out with them and their wives one afternoon in Wichita.
 We had dinner with Erin and Sarah in Kansas City.  We had a great time catching up!
 Just a little Gardner Elementary reunion at The Other Place.
We had lunch with Kelli and Eli when they were in town.  Kelli told me some exciting news . . . Eli is going to be a big brother!  I told her I wanted a belly pic and Eli decided to join in!  This might be my favorite picture from our time back home.  I am SO excited to see this girl become a mama again!
 We had dinner with Liz and Jon while we were back and played an awesome game with them.  They also invited us to see Jon sail his RC Sailboat.
 The day before we flew back to Stockholm we had lunch with my parents and nieces.  Too bad these two don't like each other much.
 Mi Ranchito with my parents!
 We hung out with my brother and his family the night before we left.  It will be so much fun when we move back and can see them more often.
Our last night at home before bringing a baby back didn't really go as we had planned . . .

First of all, we have an awesome tenant so when we come back to visit we actually get to stay at our house.  We moved our furniture from the master bedroom upstairs to a guest room (which now has two twin beds and a queen bed - slightly crowded) so we stay there when we are home.  It is so awesome sleeping in our own bed.  We don't have Josh pay rent when we are home since it is more of a hassle to have two extra people around but we are so thankful to have had such a great tenant the last two years.

The night before we flew back to Stockholm I thought about how it would be the last night in our house and in our bed before we come back with a baby.  I was ready to enjoy a full night's sleep before our long airplane ride as well.  Around 1:30 am I woke up to water dripping on me.  Thankfully it was dripping or else I might have thought it was my water breaking.  I tried to wake Jake up but he was really confused.  He grabbed a towel and handed it to me and then acted as if he was just going to go back to sleep and I was going to just cover myself with a towel and do the same.  Once I said I thought we might need a bucket and to turn on the light he realized he should wake up a little more to figure out what was going on.  It was raining and apparently we had a leaky roof that turned into a leaky ceiling.  We tried moving the bed out from under the leak but we didn't have enough room.  So we moved to the other guest bedroom for the rest of the night.  The joys of owning a home.

It was so great getting to hang out with people at the baby showers and then again at dinner or lunch.  I should have had some kind of "shower" every time we were home just to see all of my friends twice!
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