Sweet, sweet girl, I cannot believe you are 2 months old. Month two went by so much faster than your first month. Probably because you weren't in the hospital. #thankgoodness You are still a pretty chill/sleepy baby or at least it feels that way because with an energetic toddler around you seem to not 'do' much which I'm not complaining about. I enjoy all the snuggles and smiles you've been giving out. Here is what you've been up to this month.
So serious during her photo shoot even though she will give me smiles! Little turkey!
I ended up buying a used baby scale off of Blocket (similar to Craigslist) so I could check your weight. I haven't been as obsessive about it as I thought I would ;). You weighed 4.65 kg (10 lbs 4 oz) and is in the 23rd percentile. Your percentile dropped a little this month but you also started sleeping longer stretches at night and you are happy and don't seem hungry so I'm going to try to not have any mom guilt about that. I'm guessing you are about 58 cm (22.8 inches) long which is in the 68th percentile.Eating
You are eating every 2.5-4 hours during the day. Once we start sleep training you the first step is to have you eat every 4 hours during the day but the book, The Baby Sleep Solution, recommends you wait until after 8 weeks because between 6-8 weeks babies are typically fussier and eat more often and you have definitely been eating more often. Sometimes you want to eat after 1.5-2 hours and at this point, I'm letting you eat when you want for the most part because you ended up in the hospital after you dropped weight and I don't want that to happen again.
Your thrush is FINALLY going away thanks to the soda water we've been putting on your tongue multiple times a day. I've been putting it on with a baby qtip after every diaper change. When the midwife originally suggested that I thought she was nuts but it worked and the antifungal medicine I was putting on 4 times a day didn't work. You used to make a loud clicking sound when you nursed and I think that was because the thrush broke your seal and then you got some air in with every suck. Now you don't make the noise since you don't have as much air coming in and therefore when you burp you don't spit up much. Win, win, win!
I'm always amazed when you are nursing and you stop yourself. Once I stop trying to convince you to eat you usually burp or fill your diaper and then you'll start eating again. Babies are smarter than they appear sometimes.
You continue to be a good sleeper. Thank goodness! Sleep is such a hot topic. It is one of the most asked questions after you have a baby. "So, are you getting any sleep?" "How is Stella sleeping?" etc. I think you sleep more during the day than Linnea did at your age but I think she slept longer stretches at night by 2 months old than you have. I have a few theories as to why that is the case.
First of all, we started sleep training Linnea using the Baby Sleep Solution book when she was 6 weeks old. The night before she turned 8 weeks old she went from 8 pm to 645 am without nursing. She woke up but we used the paci to help her fall back to sleep. She really liked her paci. You will take it sometimes but other times you are not interested at all. We haven't officially started sleep training you yet so I think that is one reason you haven't slept as long of a stretch at night but I think the second reason has made a bigger impact.
The second reason is I'm more worried about you losing feedings and dropping in weight. Since you dropped weight before going to the hospital I've been worried about cutting back on your feedings. The first step in the sleep training is to push you to 4 hours between feeds. You can easily make it 4 hours if you are asleep but if you are awake you'd prefer to eat every 3 or 3.5 hours.
Here is what a great night looks like: Eat around 6-7:30 and fall asleep around 8 or 8:30 and sleep until 10 or 11. Then I change your diaper and put you in pajamas and a swaddle. You usually sleep through all of that and then you nurse on one side without opening your eyes (dream feed). Then I lay you down and you wake up once in the night between 3:00 and 5:00. I nurse you on one side (because you won't take the 2nd side) for 5-8 minutes and then you burp and go back to sleep. Occasionally you'll sleep until 8:30 and those mornings are marvelous!
A bad night: Same as the good night but you wake up between 2-3 and then again between 5-630. Bad nights also include you having trouble going back to sleep or not going back to sleep after the 5-630 feed. I've sent you out with your dad once or twice in the morning because you were fed but not going back to sleep easily which means you get some time to bond with your dad :) aka let mom sleep.
I stopped changing your diapers at night now unless you poop and thankfully you usually poop during the day. On a super fast night, I can feed you, burp you and be back in bed within 15 minutes or so. Other nights you have a blowout or spit up all over yourself while burping and need new pajamas and a new swaddle. By the time I lay you back down, it has been 45 minutes or so and we are both more awake than I'd like. You fall back to sleep by yourself usually without your paci but sometimes it takes you a little while and that keeps me awake. Your dad can sleep straight through. #sleeplikeadadwithanewborn ;)
I used to leave your arms out during the first stretch of sleep and then swaddle you after your feeding but now you are swaddled anytime you are sleeping at night or during the day. It seems to help you not wake yourself up as easily.
You still have a cough and when you are waking up in the middle of the night to eat you wake up and you cough. Then when you go back to sleep after nursing you also cough. It doesn't seem to bother you because when I get up to help you your eyes are usually closed by the time I'm up. I'm definitely ready for the cough to go away.
You nap like a champ now that I swaddle you. You will usually nap for about 2 hours in the morning and then 2-3 in the afternoon and then another hour or so when we go pick up your sister from school.
You are wearing size 56 tops and you grew out of 56 pants and into 62 pants this month. You have some 3-month clothes that still fit but you outgrew some of the 3-month sleepers. You wear size 2 newborn Libero diapers.
There are 3 swaddles we use on you at night time and they are all the Summer Infant Swaddle Wrap Sacks. They are the best swaddles in my opinion. They are easy to put on, they are long with a zipper to change your diaper without unswaddling you plus you can be swaddled with your arms in our out.
I noticed you were preferring to look to the right most of the time regardless of what we tried to do to get you to look left. Your midwife referred us to a physical therapist. At your first appointment, she said you should be doing 30 minutes of tummy time and then eventually work up to 1.5 hours per day. I cannot imagine how we will be able to do that but we will give it a try.
Your physical therapy appointment is across the street from City Hall so we stopped on our way there.
You love smiling at your mobile and watching your big sister.
Our Days
I feel like at the end of this month we finally found our rhythm! Thank goodness! I function best on a schedule and routines are my friend which is why I made myself a schedule with timeframes to do things ;). I will say the eating schedule didn't really happen until you were about 8 weeks old so at the very end of this month. The Baby Sleep Solution book we use to help with sleep training calls weeks 6-8 "the storm" because babies are typically fussier then and eat more often than normal and that was definitely the case with you miss Stella.
Here is a rundown of our day:
6:45-8:30 - You wake up for the day. I nurse you and change your clothes. Once we get on a more firm schedule we will wake up around 7 and you'll eat at 7:15. Then I usually eat breakfast with Linnea and Jake before they leave for work and preschool.
8:15-9:00 - Shower and exercises - I've been trying to do some postpartum core exercises daily but eventually I'll want to work out again because I know I need it mentally and physically.
Linnea doing some exercises with me.
I feel the same way about being an adult.
11:15 - Nurse12:00 - 13:00 - Prep dinner, eat lunch and watch a TV show during lunch. Sometimes you are awake and watch me work in the kitchen but you usually start your afternoon nap around 12:30 or 13.
13:00-15:00 - Fun To Dos - Work on the blog, read a book, drink coffee, nap, etc. You usually asleep through this chunk but occasionally you are awake and then we hang out until you fall back to sleep.
15:15 - Nurse
15:40 - Leave to pick up Linnea from Preschool, convince Linnea to leave preschool ;), figure out if she is going to wear a coat home or go home without a coat #chooseyourbattles, stop by the store if needed. You are usually asleep in the stroller again during this time but sometimes you are awake and just looking around.
16:30- Play with both girls and have a snack.
17:15 - Start dinner prep and hope Jake is on his way home soon ;).
18:00-19:00 - Eat dinner
19:10 - Get Linnea ready for bed and nurse you.
19:30 - Linnea starts her new bedtime routine which involves a lot of stalling tactics. (Daddy, what does cup start with? Mama, what does Frank start with? Daddy, I need somefing. I want juice in the morning.)
22:00-23:00 - Right before I go to bed you do a dream feed where I feed you but you don't fully wake up. I also change your diaper and put you into pajamas but you usually sleep through that.
2:30-5:00 - You usually wake up once or twice but thankfully it is usually once in this timeframe. You've gotten pretty good about nursing on one side quickly and then going back to sleep. Occasionally you'll spit up everywhere or have a blowout and then it takes a while before we are both back in bed asleep.
The next day just repeats!
Activities and Outings
This month your dad had a navigation and boat course that he was taking through work so I watched both of you by myself several weeknights (including bedtime) plus all day on Saturday and Sunday. I was scared leading up to the classes but it ended up being really great. Your sister did a great job being understanding when I had to nurse you and we had lots of fun together.
This is not a picture of the navigation course but it is a picture Jake took standing on the frozen lake looking at my favorite bridge.
Linnea went through a phase of being scared of the vacuum but not as much anymore!
You started smiling and talking this month. You are pretty stingy with your smiles but hopefully, we can work on that.
You rolled over from your belly to your back a couple of times this month when you were doing tummy time.
I left you a few times this month. I went to dinner and a movie with friends, dinner with work colleagues and I got a massage! My first post-birth massage where I can actually lay on my belly is the best! You did a great job taking a bottle from your dad while I was away! Leaving you is easier than it was with Linnea. It helps to know you are in great hands!
Your dad took a few days of parental leave this month to hang out with you and to give me a break. It is so fun watching him with his girls!
Your first St. Patrick's Day and your first Easter were both this month.
Easter Breakfast!
We walked in the St. Patrick's Day Parade.
Sister MomentsYour sister adores you. She said I was her mama when you first came home and then she realized I am also your mama there has been zero jealousy. She loves talking to you and trying to make you happy if you are fussy.
One time we were both sitting next to you while you were on your playmat and I suggested we sing a song. Linnea said, "but she isn't fussing". Apparently, she took the book I made for her quite literally and thinks we should only sing to you if you are fussing.
I love listening to Linnea talk to you and repeat the same things we say to you and to her.
Linnea has been saying, "It is nice to have a baby."
Linnea had a parent breakfast at her school one morning. I went with her while Jake stayed at home with you. As soon as Linnea found out I was going she ran into the living room and told her daddy and you, "Stella, Mama is going to eat breakfast at my preschool. Yeah. Then she's gonna come back. Yeah." She was so excited but also wanted you to know that Mama always comes back.
Linnea Update
Linnea's favorite song right now is Blinka Lilla Stjärna Där (Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star in Swedish). She recently started liking A Tisket, A Tasket. She loves to make up songs which is probably because Jake is awesome at making up songs. At night Linnea will request the "Frank's Mama" song or the "Blue Light" song and Jake will make one up.
Linnea is doing a great job speaking in Swedish. She can count to 10 in Swedish. She knows most of her colors in Swedish. She can ask and answer basic questions in Swedish and often speaks to us in Swedish. When she plays with her babies she will talk to them in Swedish or read books aloud in Swedish. Her play language is definitely Swedish. It is adorable and challenging. Jake and I know a little bit of Swedish so when your 2.5-year-old is speaking Swedish to you sometimes it is hard to know what she is saying especially if she is mispronouncing the words. She is getting pretty good and translating her sentences into English if we've tried understanding her in Swedish and we just can't. It is a bit awkward when I pick her up from preschool and she starts telling me something in Swedish and her teachers have to translate for me ("She would like to buy some glue to use at home." Which I knew because we had talked about it before . . . in English ;).)
Linnea's favorite books right now are Chicka Chicka, Boom Boom, Will You Be My Friend?, Noisy Night, Duck and Hippo in a Rainstorm, a couple of Mo Williams books, and I'm A Big Sister.
We often tell Linnea that we are here to keep her safe and healthy. She has now started repeating that to us if we get hurt or are frustrated. "Daddy, I am here to keep you safe." She also throws in, "Mama, I am here to make you happy. I give you a BIG hug. That make you SUPER happy."
We borrowed some big sister books from Linnea's friend Emma. Linnea started saying "Emma really wants her big sister books back" which was code for I want to see Emma. Ha! She knew if she said Emma wanted her books back we would have to see Emma to give her the books and that is what she wanted all along. So as soon as Emma and Linnea were both somewhat healthy we had a playdate and gave her the books.
We have programmable lights in the living room and kitchen plus one in Linnea's room. The lights in the living room/kitchen turn yellow at 7:10 to signal that it is time to get ready for bed (pjs, brush teeth, pick up, etc) and if she gets all ready before the lights turn green at 7:30 then we have time for books and songs as many as we can fit in before 7:30. Linnea started something new when the lights change colors. We usually say "whooptie" and then say it is time to get ready. Now I'll say Linnea look at the lights and she responds with "I'm trying not to look at them." Ha! She's clever.
When we are putting Linnea to bed she will stay "I want you to stay for a long day" aka all night long. She has started saying she wants us to sleep with her in her bed which would be impossible at this point because she is in her crib with one side removed. Once she moves into a toddler bed it could be possible. I'm wondering how long it will take for her to convince her dad to stay.
One night Jake was getting Linnea ready for bed while I was out with friends. Jake said, "you can keep playing because Stella is still drinking from a bottle but when I say it's time to get in bed you need to get in bed nicely." Jake said, "Are you going to get in bed and cry cry cry or are you going to get in bed nicely?" Linnea said "I'm going to get in bed nicely. And then I'm going to say WATER." Every night after we sing songs and tuck her in she asked for fresh, cold water.
While looking at a picture of Avery (Linnea's cousin) with a cast on her arm she asked what her "elbow protection" was for. I thought it was a very clever way to describe her cast. She asked lots of questions about it and then went on to say that when she (Linnea) breaks her arm then she will also have a cast.
Linnea was playing with a bouncy ball (Jake is sharing his love of bouncy balls with her) and it landed on Jake's desk. I got it off of the desk and she said "no worries Daddy".
Fair warning this is long but I didn't have the energy to edit it. Sorry!
We moved Linnea into the bigger bedroom on March 29th. Jake had a half of day off of work and took the other half off so he was home all day. When Linnea got home from preschool Jake said he had a surprise for her in her bed. She walked into her old bedroom and said, "Where is my bed?" Then she went into her new room. She was pumped! Her first comment was about the new camera on the shelf. A day or so later Linnea started talking about how she didn't like the new camera. She wanted the old camera. I also wasn't a huge fan of the new camera. After several days of complaining from both girls (Linnea and me), Jake switched the new camera for the old camera and all was right in the world.
Linnea is a mini Jake all the way. They have so much fun together. She loves pulling out her tools to work right alongside him.
We also have an audio monitor in Linnea's room so we can hear her since our door is closed and we have a humidifier, fan and noise machine on in our room. She calls the audio monitor the little camera. She often asks, "Daddy, are you look at me on the little camera?"
We decided to potty train Linnea. She seems like she has been ready for a while but I was super pregnant and then we had a newborn so the timing wasn't great. We had a four day weekend for Easter and thought it was a good time to give it a try. I didn't really prep until the day before and then she came home that afternoon and wanted to start. Jake took her to the store to pick out underwear and candy and she was ready. She did a pretty good job. It felt pretty all-consuming since we couldn't/didn't want to leave the house. I eventually took Linnea and Stella to the park on the 4th day. I had Linnea wear a diaper because I didn't want to deal with an accident in her outside clothes and the stroller. I told her if she came home with a dry diaper she could have a treat and she did!
Her first day being potty trained at preschool also went well!
Jake got a bike seat this month for Linnea to use to go to preschool. They both love taking bike rides together!
Linnea is a mini Jake all the way. They have so much fun together. She loves pulling out her tools to work right alongside him.
Helping Daddy install the new toilet seat!
Her first day being potty trained at preschool also went well!
Jake got a bike seat this month for Linnea to use to go to preschool. They both love taking bike rides together!
Large packages are delivered to a post office near your apartment and then you get a text or a letter to go pick them up. Stella helped me carry Linnea's bike seat home ;).
Jake and Linnea went on a bike ride around Kungsholmen one Saturday and they stopped at City Hall and took a few pictures.
Please notice the lack of fence or barrier between the steps and the water . . . you don't sue people in Sweden so they actually expect you to use caution and common sense and then you take the blame if you do something stupid . . . weird ;).
Linnea Funnies/Quotes
During the snowy months, kids often take a sled to school because it is way easier to pull a sled over snow than push a stroller. Before kids, I always thought it was cute but not that practical to take a sled but it turns out it is! After Jake picking Linnea up from school for a full month I finally picked Linnea up and pulled her home in the sled. We stopped by the store to get groceries first and she rode with the groceries between her legs on the way home.
We often tell Linnea that we are here to keep her safe and healthy. She has now started repeating that to us if we get hurt or are frustrated. "Daddy, I am here to keep you safe." She also throws in, "Mama, I am here to make you happy. I give you a BIG hug. That make you SUPER happy."
We borrowed some big sister books from Linnea's friend Emma. Linnea started saying "Emma really wants her big sister books back" which was code for I want to see Emma. Ha! She knew if she said Emma wanted her books back we would have to see Emma to give her the books and that is what she wanted all along. So as soon as Emma and Linnea were both somewhat healthy we had a playdate and gave her the books.
We have programmable lights in the living room and kitchen plus one in Linnea's room. The lights in the living room/kitchen turn yellow at 7:10 to signal that it is time to get ready for bed (pjs, brush teeth, pick up, etc) and if she gets all ready before the lights turn green at 7:30 then we have time for books and songs as many as we can fit in before 7:30. Linnea started something new when the lights change colors. We usually say "whooptie" and then say it is time to get ready. Now I'll say Linnea look at the lights and she responds with "I'm trying not to look at them." Ha! She's clever.
When we are putting Linnea to bed she will stay "I want you to stay for a long day" aka all night long. She has started saying she wants us to sleep with her in her bed which would be impossible at this point because she is in her crib with one side removed. Once she moves into a toddler bed it could be possible. I'm wondering how long it will take for her to convince her dad to stay.
Linnea sleeping on daddy's pillow in our bed. She has never slept in our bed but she sometimes likes to pretend that she does!
While looking at a picture of Avery (Linnea's cousin) with a cast on her arm she asked what her "elbow protection" was for. I thought it was a very clever way to describe her cast. She asked lots of questions about it and then went on to say that when she (Linnea) breaks her arm then she will also have a cast.
We met some friends to take Linnea skiing for the first time. I forgot my hat at home and Linnea told me she would share her hat with me. It was so sweet.
Linnea really like this conveyor belt. We put Stella's bassinet on a sled to take her up part of the hill.
One time after waking up from a nap Linnea said she was eating pancakes in her bed. We think it was one of the first dreams she remembered and told us about.
Linnea saw my teaching boxes in the hallway after I sorted through them. She was very curious about them. I told them they were my teaching boxes and we were putting them away for a little while. She asked me if I was still a teacher. I told her I was staying home with Stella for the next year or so and I was her teacher. She then asked, "Are you also my teacher?" I am sweet girl!
While getting ready one morning Linnea said to Jake, "In the morning I can brush my teeth by myself and in the nightning mommy and daddy can help. It's morning! I can brush myself!"
I love the way Linnea says Chocolate with such a big grin on her face. She also had a cute way of saying apartment but that is going away which makes me sad.
While getting ready one morning Linnea said to Jake, "In the morning I can brush my teeth by myself and in the nightning mommy and daddy can help. It's morning! I can brush myself!"
I love the way Linnea says Chocolate with such a big grin on her face. She also had a cute way of saying apartment but that is going away which makes me sad.
Linnea is officially in the "Why?" stage. I am not sure I am ready for it!
Linnea has several nicknames: Nea (knee-uh), Nee-Nay, Nee-Noo (she came up with this one, I think, calling Jake Dad-doo), and Nea-Maria.
Linnea likes to wear footed pajamas but we only brought a few from the US and they don't sell them here. So if she is wearing pajamas without feet she insists on wearing socks.
Linnea likes to wear footed pajamas but we only brought a few from the US and they don't sell them here. So if she is wearing pajamas without feet she insists on wearing socks.
I want to remember how sweet Linnea is with you. She talks to you in such a sweet voice and checks to see if you are okay.
I want to remember the smiles I get from you after you wake up. At this point, I definitely get most of your smiles and considering I do 95% of the work required to keep you alive I'm not even sad one little bit that you are stingy with other people!
We are so happy you are here and healthy. We love you Sweet Stella!
Your Mama
Related Posts if you are curious:
Stella at 1 Month, Linnea at 2 Months
I want to remember how sweet Linnea is with you. She talks to you in such a sweet voice and checks to see if you are okay.
I want to remember the smiles I get from you after you wake up. At this point, I definitely get most of your smiles and considering I do 95% of the work required to keep you alive I'm not even sad one little bit that you are stingy with other people!
We are so happy you are here and healthy. We love you Sweet Stella!
Your Mama
Related Posts if you are curious:
Stella at 1 Month, Linnea at 2 Months