We landed around 7:30 pm on Sunday and took a bus into the city. We were planning on taking a train but no one was taking the train so we figured there must be a bus so we hopped on one that we thought was headed towards the city and then got off once we were close enough to our hotel to walk. (This stressed me out a bit but sometimes you just have to trust your gut and that is what we did.) We checked into our hotel and then left to find some dinner.
Our room at Picasso Suites was more of an apartment with a kitchen and living room area. They were recently finished and nice but felt more like a bed and breakfast without having the breakfast provided.
We had a great dinner out but I apparently didn't take any pictures. We had tapas and Jake asked the waiter to just pick something for us. . . always a risky decision for me at least. The first plate that appeared had 6 different things on it and only one did I even think about eating. The second plate, entrecote or hunk of beef, was much better. We ended up ordering seconds of that and then dessert. In Spain they eat lunch around 2 pm and dinner around 10 pm and we definitely started off the trip with dinner at the local time around 10 pm.
We had breakfast by our hotel and then went to the Interactive Music Museum. They had all kind of instruments that you could look at and several "red rooms" where you were allowed to play the instruments. We happened to get there at the same time as a school group on a field trip. We had to practice taking turns in the red rooms. The museum was neat but several of the computer screens showing you how to play the instruments and telling you more about them were broken. The museum seemed fairly new so I was disappointed to see that it was already breaking down.
Jake played the piano for one group of kids.
After the museum we saw a crew filming a music video and walked by an amphitheater. After lunch we headed to the beach.
Jake decided to go touch the water and quickly returned :). He said it was warmer than the water in Sweden so that is a plus.
We laid in the sun and just relaxed for about an hour. It wasn't warm enough to be in swimsuits but it felt great just getting some vitamin d.
We walked by the town bull ring on our way to the beach and then saw it from above. We walked (slowly, with lots of breaks) up a hill to get a view of the city. This was our 3rd day in a row of climbing something in the city to get a better view.
We had tapas for dinner again and it was great. We chose three and the waiter picked the other three.
The next morning we took a train to Cordoba but before we did that we had breakfast in our hotel room.
Lucky Charms! We walked by an American food store and I found some Lucky Charms. I was SO excited!
We took a one hour train ride to Cordoba, Spain.
We had breakfast in Cordoba. Spanish breakfast include churros and chocolate. That is a little rich even for me. I also had toast with jam and Jake had toast with ham and tomatoes. We also had orange juice and pineapple juice. The orange juice there was amazing! They have orange trees everywhere so the orange juice is fresh squeezed and awesome!
After breakfast, we visited the Great Cathedral and Mosque. It was really pretty.
This ceiling reminded us of the Sistine Chapel.
I really liked these arches.
Jake had fun exploring this old water wheel.
We visited Alcazar de los Reyes Cristianos which is an old fort with beautiful gardens.
This pool reminded us of Tim and Cathy's, Emily's parents, pool and backyard. We just kept saying over and over again how similar they were. *I am almost 22 weeks pregnant in this picture.
We wish we could have been here during the peak flower season.
We had lunch around 2:30 or 3 which was beginning to be our new normal lunch time. Our waiter didn't speak English so he asked the lady sitting behind Jake to help translate. I wanted to order some meat but wanted to make sure it was well done so we told her I was pregnant and as soon as she translated that he understood that I wanted the meat well done. The lady mentioned how some things in life are universal like pregnancy and well cooked meat. She also mentioned that in Spain it is illegal to ride a bicycle if you are pregnant which is absurd to her since she is from Holland. She thought it was interesting that two countries with similar health care standards would be so opposite. I told her I had heard that it isn't recommended because you could lose your balance easier with the growing belly but we both agreed that I was small enough that I would have been fine riding a bike :).
Jake couldn't get over all the orange trees and oranges on the ground.
We made it back to the train and then to Malaga around 6:00 pm. We did some shopping at Primark which is a department store we've been to a few times in a couple different countries. It kind of reminds us of a store similar to Kohls. Jake found lots of great shirts and shorts. I found two maternity tops and a maternity tank top and then I found this . . .
A onesie with a SQUIRREL on it! I was so excited!
Here is to hoping we have a girl so she can wear these cute clothes . . . or we might put our little boy in the squirrel one just for fun. It isn't too pink, right?
We stopped by a grocery store to get some things for breakfast the next morning since we would be leaving really early to catch a train to Barcelona. We noticed on this day that most places didn't open until 9 or 10 so getting breakfast before 8 probably wasn't going to happen. We ended up not buying much because we thought we could get something closer to our hotel.
Dried meat?
With a side of cheese?
By the time we got back to the hotel we decided we weren't that hungry for dinner but decided to go look for things for breakfast which was kind of a bust. It turns out we couldn't find a place to buy food and wished we would have bought more at the big grocery store. We found a few yogurts and bought some oranges and a banana from a restaurant . . . that was an interesting conversation but we were thankful they let us buy some fruit. 

The next morning on the way to the train station, we found a bakery that was open and bought some bread for the train ride. We realized we also needed food for lunch since we would be arriving in Barcelona around 2:45 pm and typically the food you get on a train isn't great. I did get a donut from Dunkin' Donuts at the train station before we left and it was really good. We took a train from Malaga, Spain to Barcelona, Spain. It took about 5:45 and it was nice to have a day to rest. Trains are great for traveling because you can move around a lot more, see the sights, and not have to worry about navigating. The US needs to get on board with train travel.
We had a great time in Malaga and Cordoba. I need to put together our Barcelona post but that probably won't happen for a little while but check back and see why Jake and I were both speechless for a few minutes in Barcelona.
My dad would be so honored that you thought about his yard while in a beautiful place. :)