Man, you are just one of the happiest babies. You love to giggle and smile. You very rarely cry except recently at night if you wake up you'll cry (still trying to figure that out). Literally the day I typed that you were doing so well sleeping at 6 months old you started waking up between your bedtime and ours. I'll write more about that later but I need to look up videos of Stella and Linnea at 7 months old because I remember they were happy babies but you just think everything is delightful.
We didn't have a BVC (well-child visit) for you this month but I'd guess you were around 8 kg (17 lbs 9 oz). Your sister Linnea weighed 17 lbs 9 oz at one year and you weighed about that much at 7 months. No wonder you seem so chunky! Having a chunky baby isn't something I'm familiar with but I am loving it! Your arm rolls are my favorite.
You are nursing 5-6 times per day. I tried to cut out the 1730 feed since you eat solid foods at that time but then you started waking up at night and I added it back in. Apparently, you were concerned about losing your arm rolls.
You are nursing 5-6 times per day. I tried to cut out the 1730 feed since you eat solid foods at that time but then you started waking up at night and I added it back in. Apparently, you were concerned about losing your arm rolls.
A few months ago you started leaking while nursing so your shoulders often get wet as well as my shirt when we nurse.
You are eating more solid foods now around 12 and 1730. You prefer fruit over more savory things but you will still eat meats and veggies. I also made green beans and peas since you can't find green veggies here for babies which I think is weird.
We tried a new bottle which worked the first time but not any of the times after that.
Overall you are kicking butt compared to what it could be but you also like to keep us on our toes. Some days and nights you sleep 1.5 hrs in the morning, 2.5 in the afternoon and then 12.5 at night. Other times you like to wake up between your bedtime, 1915, and our bedtime 23, and just be awake for 1-2 hours. You are happy as long as we don't try to lay you down. Recently your dad has been holding you until you fall asleep which isn't ideal but it is better than nursing you to sleep in my opinion.
The last 2 weeks of your 7th month you slept great!
Trying to look alike. I have definitely fallen asleep while holding you before your afternoon nap and I really love it.
You've been sleeping on your belly more which is really cute once I stopped being worried about it and once you figured out how to actually fall asleep in that position.
You are wearing size 62 and 68 tops and 62 bottoms. Most of your pjs are 9 months and pink since they were your sisters. You are in size 5 pampers diapers.
This blue moose shirt belonged to your cousins Andrew and Nathan.
You do lots of tummy time these days or play on your mat. You are very content, happy, and slightly lazy. Which honestly is way better than a baby who needs a lot of attention because with two older sisters that would be really hard.
You do lots of tummy time these days or play on your mat. You are very content, happy, and slightly lazy. Which honestly is way better than a baby who needs a lot of attention because with two older sisters that would be really hard.
You still won't roll for toys but you will roll in your bed. I can put you in the middle of your mat with toys all around you but not close enough for you to touch so you'll roll to them . . . and you'll just lay there with nothing for 20-30 minutes rather than roll.
We borrowed a playgym from a friend and it helped you roll a bit.
If you do roll is it SLOW like you aren't quite sure you want to put forth the effort that it might take. You did roll/scoot a bit this month and when you were on the wood floor it actually meant you got somewhere.
You like to look up over your forehead instead of rolling over and onto your belly to see us.
We've been working on your sitting practice this month. It is getting better but you still need pillows around you because you still fall fairly often.
You like to play with your feet if your pants are off but if they are on even without socks you seem to forget you have feet that you can grab.
Your favorite toys right now are teethers and your butterfly toy which was also a favorite for your sisters.
Our Days
Our Days
We've been getting some nice sunsets recently which has been nice after the dark winter.
Activities and Outings
Thanks to Covid we haven't had many outings or activities this year but we did have a really sunny weekend day and met some of my stroller gang friends at the park.
I feel like this picture below of me struggling to push the stroller and the bike trailer represents life with 3 kids sometimes. Ha! We've had a few friends ask if it is harder or easier than we expected. I'd say it is about what we expected. It isn't harder or easier in general. Of course, some time frames are harder than others. The stretch from preschool pick up at 15 until bedtime at 20 is LONG and can be really hard with lots of big feelings from everyone but overall I feel like the transition was easier than when we went from 1 to 2 kids.
We've still been able to get together with our stroller gang when everyone is healthy.
Thanks to Covid we haven't had many outings or activities this year but we did have a really sunny weekend day and met some of my stroller gang friends at the park.
We've done a pretty good job keeping up with a regular game night with Johan and Chelsea which has been so nice!
We celebrated Christmas in March! We had grand plans to have Christmas sleepovers at each other's apartments for Christmas but then it just didn't feel like the right choice with Covid. We met at a park and exchanged gifts. It was fun but cold and windy. I'm ready for regular inside playdates
We got together with Tim, Mona, Florian, and Adele which was really fun. It had been way too long since we've seen them (thanks Covid).
Firsts and New Skills
Your top two teeth popped through which means you have 4 teeth and my nipples are scared! You will bite me if you aren't all that hungry and I'm trying to get you to eat some more so now I usually just stop as soon as you pop off.
You went in the swing for the first time this month. It helps that you were in a padded snowsuit to keep you more stable.
You are officially a US Citizen! It took way longer to get your Embassy appointment plus we had to renew Linnea's passport and mine but we got it done.
Sister & Brother MomentsFamily dog pile
Both girls have been doing lots of bike riding these days!
We did a little bit of reading this month but we kind of started to fizzle out of it.
Linnea Funnies/Quotes
Linnea played pretty hard the other day at preschool and was covered in mud.
Stella New Skills
Stella has been pretty impulsive recently. She will walk up and shove Linnea out of the blue. Or poke a friend at school near their eye with a sharp clay tool. It is hard to know how to discipline the impulses but we are working on it.
We had to get Linnea's passport renewed and when we were on the way to the Embassy it was snowing. We caught snowflakes on a pair of gloves so we could see them really well.
Stella New Skills
Stella has been pretty impulsive recently. She will walk up and shove Linnea out of the blue. Or poke a friend at school near their eye with a sharp clay tool. It is hard to know how to discipline the impulses but we are working on it.
We went to the BVC (well-child check-up) for Stella's 3-year check. She did the whole thing in Swedish which was fun for me to hear. I was a bit worried because she can be pretty shy around new people but she warmed up quickly (probably because she has had several appointments recently to check her ears).
Stella Funnies/Quotes
At dinner, we've been sharing a high, low, and Gruffalo (random thing) about our days. Linnea has really latched onto the idea but Stella struggles a bit and sometimes just says random things. One night she said "My high is daddy. I just love you so much, daddy." It was the sweetest thing!
We ended up going to the ENT 4 times to try to get excess ear wax out of her ears which included an ear vacuum and several syringes full of water. She was brave but it was scary. We got ice cream on the way home before picking up Linnea.
Stella Funnies/Quotes
At dinner, we've been sharing a high, low, and Gruffalo (random thing) about our days. Linnea has really latched onto the idea but Stella struggles a bit and sometimes just says random things. One night she said "My high is daddy. I just love you so much, daddy." It was the sweetest thing!
One of Stella's teachers as really long fingernails which made Stella nervous. I think she might have gotten accidentally poked or scratched or something. We've tried to talk to her about her nails but she is still nervous about them. So the teacher suggested they pain their fingernails together. I love how thoughtful her
One night Stella was really having a hard time going to sleep. I laid with her and it was one of the first times she has fallen asleep with one of us laying next to her.
Half of our time together at home is over and man am I sad about it. I can't believe how fast it is going now. I am so thankful that we live in Sweden where we can take off a year or more from our jobs to be with you and then go back to work when we are ready.
You are such a fun, sweet, happy little boy and your chubby cheeks and arms are just my favorite. Love you, sweet boy!
Your Mama
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