Dear Otto Molotto,
You are 8 months and still so very happy. I get asked all the time if you cry. And honestly, you really don't. The only exception is if you wake up in the middle of the night or if you want to eat and I start getting ready to feed you and then have to stop or put you down. That makes your bottom lip stick out so far and it is so sad but also really cute.
StatsWe missed your well-baby visit since we went back to the US but you weighed about 8.5 kg (18 lbs 12 oz). We will find out the rest of your stats at your next appointment.
You are nursing 5-6 times per day and each session (except for your morning feed) is about 2 minutes on each side. You are efficient. I keep trying to drop your 1730 feeding but then you'll wake up between your bedtime and ours and occasionally we will cave and I'll feed you so then we add back the 1730 feed. But towards the end of your 8th month, you were getting enough baby food that it doesn't seem that you need the extra feed.
You prefer fruit puree but you'll eat meat and veggies too. You've tried fish, peanuts, eggs (we wanted to get the big allergies tested before going to the US). You've also had yogurt and oatmeal.
You'll drink water out of a sippy cup now which is great. We started with lukewarm water (from a kettle) and now you'll drink tap water that is colder.
You did take one bottle this month after LOTS of trying and patience from your dad.
This month you woke up a bit between your bedtime and our bedtime. We had to do a little re-sleep training which wasn't much fun but was definitely necessary for everyone's sanity. Tried not nursing you and having Jake hold you until you fell asleep which isn't a great habit but sometimes the baby of the family gets special privileges. You like falling asleep on me for your afternoon nap and sometimes at bedtime so we might be creating a bad habit but it is my very favorite part of the day.
This month you woke up a bit between your bedtime and our bedtime. We had to do a little re-sleep training which wasn't much fun but was definitely necessary for everyone's sanity. Tried not nursing you and having Jake hold you until you fell asleep which isn't a great habit but sometimes the baby of the family gets special privileges. You like falling asleep on me for your afternoon nap and sometimes at bedtime so we might be creating a bad habit but it is my very favorite part of the day.
You spend most of your time sleeping on your belly now. You usually fall asleep on your left side with your left thumb in your mouth but then you roll to your belly.
Your Owlet monitor started acting up this month just as you started sleeping through the night it started beeping saying it lost signal with the foot monitor. It was super annoying! We lowered the sensitivity and so far that has done the trick.
You are wearing 68/74 tops, 9/12 month pjs, and 68 pants. I always forget that I prefer onesies until you can sit up for most of the day. Shirts are cute but they ride up and then your diaper gets pushed down and it can be tricky.
You are wearing 68/74 tops, 9/12 month pjs, and 68 pants. I always forget that I prefer onesies until you can sit up for most of the day. Shirts are cute but they ride up and then your diaper gets pushed down and it can be tricky.
You spend lots of time on your tummy or back on the floor for a few reasons. 1. It is good for you and your development and your neck/flat spot. 2. When your sisters are home there is a lot going on so I can't always hold you. Thankfully you don't seem to mind at all especially if your sisters are around to entertain you.
You figured out how to roll both ways including ducking your head so you don't whack it on the floor even when you are on the hardwood. You can pivot and do a complete 360. You are starting to reach for toys and try to grab them but you aren't making much forward progress. And we haven't really been encouraging it much because we're not ready for you to be fully on the move.
You rolled and rolled until you got to the Lego box even after your dad moved the Lego box further away. You can scoot backward if you are on the hardwood. It is only a matter of time before you are really mobile.
You've been doing more sitting up but still need a pillow behind your back for when you fall over. I don't set you up that often so you can still have tummy time so you could still use some sitting practice.
Our days are pretty routine which I love but also it is good to mix it up a bit which we are about to do while we are in the US.
Your neck is looking better but whenever I say that we stop doing your exercises and it gets worse. The physical therapist said the more you move your arms and try to crawl the better your neck will be.
Activities and Outings
We've still been hanging out with our stroller gang and since the weather has been nicer we've been able to do some outside blanket time here and there.
Activities and Outings
We've still been hanging out with our stroller gang and since the weather has been nicer we've been able to do some outside blanket time here and there.
This looks like a comfy spot.
I'm really thankful for our neighbors (most of which are preschool friends). We often run into neighbors at the park or just outside our building. This has saved our sanity during Covid. It is uncommon to make friends with neighbors in Sweden especially if you aren't Swedish. Swedes tend to be pretty standoffish. But we have really lucked out with our neighbors. They are super friendly, willing to speak Swedish, and fun to be around. We even have a What's App group text to arrange Easter Egg hunts, Candy Cane hunts, or random park playdates. Below is our Easter Egg Hunt.
We got together with my original Mommy Fika Friends (who I met a month before Linnea was born).
A sunny day!
We celebrated Easter with Johan and Chelsea and did an Easter Egg hunt around their house which was fun.
Sorting candy.
Jake and the girls met up with some friends at a nearby park.
Firsts and New Skills
You are rolling both ways on purpose. You like to make noise when you are in the stroller going over bumps or if I am wiggling my finger on your mouth.
You got your MMR shot so we could travel to the US so you can finally meet your grandparents (Jake's parents) and see my parents again. There are so many people who are excited to see you and hold your sweet squishy self.
Our first trip back to the US as a family of 5 happened the day before you turned 8 months old. Overall, it went really well. No delays or cancellations. Your dad was really dreading the trip. Like, a lot. I had to convince him it would be worth it which I think he knew he just couldn't get over all of the hoops we'd have to jump through especially going during COVID. Four out of the five of us had to get covid tests to fly and different countries had different regulations about the tests. We flew through Germany and they require the test to be 48 hours or less by the time you enter Germany. The US said it has to be 3 days by the time you land in the Us. The good news is we made it and now we will be even better at traveling as a family of 5 next time.
We traveled with 2 checked bags. We carried on two adult backpacks, one child backpack, a rolling carry on and our travel stroller. Linnea takes the liquids out of the rolling carryon at security. Jake takes out all of the electronics and I get the kids through security.
We use packing cubes when we travel. I use one or two per person and put a label on the outside so we know which ones belong to which person. I did laundry about a week ahead of time and set aside the clothes we were going to bring so we didn't wear them. Traveling well takes lots of practice and we haven't traveled in 16 months but it actually went really well.
We booked a bassinet for Otto which he didn't spend that much time in but it was nice to have and it meant we got the bulkhead seats which gave us more legroom. We flew from Stockholm to Munich to Chicago to Wichita. The long flight had lots of empty seats which was much appreciated. We paid for 4 of them but ended up using 12 of them.You preferred to be held while you slept. You also skipped your morning nap and refused to eat any solid foods so you were fussy but not awful on the flight.
The black thing around my neck is a neck pillow which works way better for me than the traditional travel pillows.
Jake and Stella holding hands is so sweet!
We have very relaxed screen time rules on the plane. It is pretty much a free for all. I mean, it is what I would be doing if I didn't have kids :).
The girls have been asking for facepaint.
Linnea New Skills
This is what dinner with 3 kids sounds like.
Linnea doesn't need as much sleep as Stella and now that they share a room it is better for everyone if Stella falls asleep first and then Linnea comes in a little while later. After Otto and Stella go to sleep Jake or I will hang out with Linnea for 20-30 minutes. I usually read a chapter book to her or work on Legos. Here I am reading a book to her on our family tablet while she works on an art project.
Building Lego Flowers
Linnea climbed this tree with her preschool class and showed me on the way home.
Linnea Funnies/QuotesLinnea has been telling jokes and riddles but they are in Swedish and she translates them. I am always impressed with her ability to switch between the two languages. I cannot believe we have bilingual kids. It is so neat and wonderful and also a little bit scary considering our kids will be fluent in a language that we can barely speak and only sometimes understand.
This is funny now but it wasn't funny in the moment. Linnea spilled her tomato soup at lunch. It went EVERYWHERE. There was a cabinet door that was cracked open so it even went in there. It was a MESS!
Linnea is the queen of goose eggs. She was at preschool and walking in the line. She decided to pull her hat over her eyes and she walked into a pole. She has gotten a goose egg in that same spot at least one other time.
Stella New Skills
Stella has been working on her bike riding skills.
Stella Funnies/Quotes
Stella has recently been saying things like "I need to work on my project." "I have 3 questions and 4 plans." This last one comes because Linnea used to say I want to say something or I have a question so Stella picked up on that and wanted to join the conversation so now she says she has questions and plans. Ha!
Stella has recently been saying things like "I need to work on my project." "I have 3 questions and 4 plans." This last one comes because Linnea used to say I want to say something or I have a question so Stella picked up on that and wanted to join the conversation so now she says she has questions and plans. Ha!
Stella loves watching us cook and on this day she got to help make scrambled eggs.
Stella wanted more saft (like Koolaid but less sugary) and Jake told her she could only have part of one glass. Her response was 'dang' and she banged her little fist on the table.
Stella walking into our room right when her light turned blue (meaning she could come out of her room).
On the way home from preschool Linnea had her outside pants off and Stella decided she wanted to do that too. So she very stubbornly sat down on the way home and took off her pants. I told her it didn't matter and we could just walk the 3 minutes it takes to get home but she insisted.
I feel like we are getting into a better groove with 3 kids but also it is full-on all the time. I know we will miss parts of this stage but man is it exhausting.
I want to remember how happy you are. The way you smile and get bashful when people talk to you. So far there is not a hint of stranger danger or separation anxiety. You are go with the flow and happy even if you miss a nap. Thanks for being the sweetest little buddy!
Your Mama
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