Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Stella is 5 Months Old!

Oh Stellu, the fact that next month you will be 6 months and halfway through your first year is so very confusing.  I do not understand how that is even possible.  I do know that I LOVE you at 5 months old.  You will happily sit on my lap and look around, lay on your playmat and suck on your feet or giggle at your sister.  Here is what you were up to this month.

At 5 months (and one week) you weighed 5.99 kg (13 lbs 3 oz) which is in the 10th percentile.  You are 64.5 cm long (25.4 inches) which is in the 51st percentile.  Your head is 41.5 cm around (16.3 inches) which is in the 36th percentile.

For 3 out of the 4 weeks you were eating about 5 times per day (7:10, 11:10, 3:10, 5ish, 7:10).  The last week after being up in the middle of the night multiple times and multiple days we re-sleep trained you by getting you back to four feeds per day (taking out the 5:00 bonus feed).  You nurse for 4-10 minutes on each side for each feed.  I have a scale I've been using for a while to make sure you are eating enough and it has really helped my stress level.  I was worried it would stress me out more but I like knowing that if you eat on both sides in 8 minutes total that you somehow were still able to get 180 ml during that time.

You are definitely more distracted while eating which makes for some interesting feeds when in public!

Every time I tell someone you are sleeping through the night you almost always wake up that night.  Ugh.  You slept through the night more consistently sooner than Linnea did but once Linnea did it she didn't revert back.  You on the other hand like to keep us on our toes.  Sometimes we will get 5 nights without you waking up and other times you will wake up twice (2:00 and 4:30) needing your paci and possibly an extra feed.
A little over halfway through this month I told your dad he needed to help with the sleep training which meant he had to get up with you and give you your paci until that didn't work and then I would come in to feed you.  Do you know how WONDERFUL it was to elbow him when I hear you wake up?  It is the best thing!  Having a plan to get you to sleep through the night is key but so is having a supportive spouse.  After the first night of Jake getting up with you, he admitted that it wasn't much fun.  Ha! Tell me about it!
You are on a great nap schedule.  You wake up around 6:30 or 7 (I wake you up if you aren't awake by 7) and then you go down for your morning nap at 9 and sleep until 10:30 (sometimes this is at home and other times this is while I'm grocery shopping or running errands).  Then you go back down from 12:30 until 2:45-3:15.  Then you take an evening cat nap around 5:30-6 (no later than 6:15).

Having a hard time waking up.

One of the times you usually fuss for us in the middle of the night we often find you in your crib sideways with your head and feet touching the side.
You have been sleeping with your head like this. It doesn't look very comfortable but you like it.

Hi Mom!
You have outgrown several size 3-month clothes and some 6-month clothes.  You are wearing size 62 and 68 cm clothes.  It seems that you have a long torso and shorter legs compared to your sister with a shorter torso and longer legs.

I've enjoyed dressing you in the same outfits as Linnea but also getting a few new ones that are just for you!
You are sporting a pretty sweet hairstyle.
Tummy time!  I think you might actually not hate it!!  Woohoo!  Your physical therapist wanted you to increase your tummy time to 30 minutes when you were about a month old and then get up to 90 minutes.  I'm not sure we are fully at 90 minutes but we are WAY closer than we've ever been.  It helps that your sister is so fun to watch!

You've rolled from your belly to your back a few times.  You also like to sleep on your side and sometimes you roll onto your side when you are sucking on your toes.  You LOVE to suck on your toes.

You have a few favorite toys this month as well.
You like listening to books.
Stella sat in the big girl seat a few times and she seemed to like it.

You have found my hair and if I'm not careful you will give it a BIG yank!

Hanging out in the bumbo while I make dinner.
Our Days
We have a rhythm and routine and for the most part, I love it.  I do tend to hoard your naptimes but I'm not always as productive as I should be.  I am trying to soak up these newborn days though because they are so fun and easy!  You have very few opinions and that is a breath of fresh air.

You wake up around 6:30-7 but we leave you in your bed until 7.  We change your diaper and your clothes and then you get to eat.  Then you spend some time playing on your playmat while I eat breakfast.  You move to the bouncy seat while I shower and then get to do some tummy time as long as it has been 30 min to an hour after you ate and even then you still spit up.

You go down for a nap around 9 and usually I wake you up at 10:30.  Then we play, sing songs, read books, watch me prep dinner before going down for your afternoon nap at 12:30.  During your afternoon nap I try to get a few things checked off my to-do list and also relax and drink some coffee.

You wake up between 2:45-3:15 but if you aren't awake by 3:15 I wake you up so you can eat before we go get your big sister.  Then we either run to the store or to the park before coming home to start dinner.

You take an evening nap which is usually pretty short and perfectly timed when I'm trying to cook which is so thoughtful.

You tend to be a little bit fussy after 6 before bedtime at 7:10 but calm down if I hold you.

You get your pajamas on around 7:10, eat and then sleep around 7:30.  Putting you to bed involves swaddling your stomach with both arms out, giving you a paci, a kiss on the forehead and then walking out.

Activities and Outings
We didn't plan any last minute international trips this month ;).

We've been to the beach and the pool a few times and you do a great job just hanging out in the shade.

We went to the forest for a Father's Day hike.  It was pretty good for our first adventure like this but we have a LOT to learn.

Where we will nap in the forest.

You got to tag along on our 10th-anniversary date.
Firsts and New Skills
You found your toes this month and you LOVE to suck on them.

You like to sleep on your left side in your crib at night.

You are finally tolerating tummy time and have rolled a few times on purpose from your belly to your back.

You love blowing raspberries and you've discovered your tongue and like to stick it out occasionally!

We moved you into your own room at the beginning of the month.  For the first week or so we didn't go in there AT ALL during the night.  Then you apparently started missing us and we had to go in several times per night.  That's when the sleep training started in full force again.

You got to swing for the first time.

Sister Moments
Linnea loves making you laugh.  When you do laugh or smile at her she will say "Stella really likes me."
Linnea started whispering "I love you ____________ (green fruit stick, chocolate chip cookie, etc)" in your ear.  It is adorable.
"I love you green fruit stick. That's a lot."

Linnea will sit down right next to Stella to play, read or talk to her.  It is the sweetest thing.

Linnea, Stella and Jake went to Jake's work to watch the World Cup while I went shopping and out to dinner with a friend.  It was glorious . . . except Stella fussed the whole time and wouldn't sleep.
Linnea New Skills and Activities
We had Linnea's 3 year well child visit at the BVC this month.  She did the majority of the appointment in Swedish.  She was able to identify animals and different objects.  When the midwife asked her to identify which items on the flashcards could she eat, kick or what babies use she was able to do that all in Swedish.

Riding her scooter clicked and she is super fast now!
We had Linnea's end of the year/beginning of summer program with her preschool.  They sang some songs, danced and were very cute!  We LOVE Linnea's preschool.

Ms. Camilla, one of Linnea's preschool teachers.

Linnea has started acting more like a baby.  She likes to tell us she is a baby and then ask us to hold her like we hold Stella, or help her wash her hands, go potty, etc.  We've been trying to remind her that she is a big girl and big girls get to eat ice cream, play with little legos and ride on her scooter.  I'm sure it is just a phase but it isn't my favorite one ;).
Pretty proud of her outfit.
Linnea Funnies/Quotes
We started potty training Linnea at the beginning of April.  She did pretty well but has had a few ups and downs.  After a bladder infection, she's been struggling to go accident-free for the whole day so we started giving her a treat (ice cream, popsicle, or chocolate) when she keeps her underwear dry all day.  She loves to yell "Mama, no accinents today!"  One time she said it . . . at 7:21 am!

There is a Swedish song called Lilla Snigel (Little Snail).  Linnea loves the song but wasn't so sure about holding him.
She often says "Oh, I didn't know that."
"I have cookies in my fridge that you can have if you keep your underwear dry all the day Mama."  Sweet! I love cookies and I can actually keep my underwear dry all day!
If we tell Linnea she can't/shouldn't do something she responds with "Okay, I willn't."
Linnea's vocabulary in English and in Swedish is taking off!  I'm most impressed that she can use these words correctly: actually, usually, recognize ("I recognize these buttons on the fireman pajamas."), supposed to.
This is what Linnea looks like when she comes home from preschool . . . just a tad dirty.
We saw the firetrucks parked outside so Linnea put on her firefighter pajamas on and ran outside.  The firemen were very nice and even let her sit in the truck!

This video is long and Linnea talked nonstop for about 3 minutes (I only caught 2 minutes on video).  We were walking through the adventure path and she started one of her rants which she does occasionally and I happened to get it on video.
Jumping at the park.
I want to remember how you like to cuddle into my shoulder.  It doesn't last long and sometimes it ends up with you whacking your nose on my collarbone but I love whatever cuddles I can get.

You are such a happy, easy going baby.  Occasionally you'll have a fussy day but those don't happen very often.  I have truly enjoyed these newborn days the second time around.

Before having you, I was really curious if the transition from 0 to 1 kid would be easier or harder than 1 to 2 kids.  Going from 1 to 2 kids was definitely harder for us but it wasn't because we had a newborn ;).  It definitely had more to do with having an opinionated almost 3-year-old.  It is also hard because now we are almost always with one kid and I feel like I'm often with two kids.  So the alone time is very limited.  But I love having a 4th teammate and I'm excited to see your personality show through more each day!

Your Mama
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