On Saturday Jake planned a little outing for us.

We went to a big park in Stockholm to have lunch. We rented City Bikes to get there. City Bike stands are all over Stockholm from April to October. You can pick one up at one station and then return it to another station. We had lunch by the water and then hung out on our picnic blanket for a little while before having fika at Espresso House.
Jake has been making Swedish pancakes for me every Sunday. Sometimes he eats them as well but he has made them just for me a couple of times. I usually have them with banana and Nutella or peanut butter and syrup. Jake likes his with Lingonsylt and whipped cream.
My last day of subbing at my volunteer school was on Monday. We always have a long outdoor break on Mondays. This day it was really rainy but thanks to my Hunter boots and my awesome coat I stayed nice and dry.
We went to SFI on Tuesday night and learned all about Påsk, Easter, traditions in Sweden. Kids get a week off of school either the week before or after Easter. Swedes also eat lots of candy on Easter. Sweden consumes the most candy per person in the world. They eat about 37 pounds of candy per person per year. I walk by a small flower shop everyday and I finally decided to pick up some tulips. I thought they were really pretty.
The paper eggs on the left are filled with candy and then hidden for kids to find. The twigs in the middle are an Easter tradition as well as the Påskmust on the right which if you remember from my Christmas post sounds a lot like Julmust. It is basically a pop that isn't very sweet and in my opinion isn't very good either :).
This is Påskebrygd which is Easter beer. Yes, a special beer for Easter.
Very early on in our marriage Jake and I started to play a game called "Who can use the last of the toothpaste" aka who can delay getting a new tube out of the closet. I usually give up because I get tired of trying to squeeze out the very last drop but this time Jake took it to a whole new level. He cut open the tube and I admitted defeat. Last month I hid a new tube and continued to use that until I couldn't help but laugh before I told what I was doing.
Jake and I had fika on Saturday at a place called Vete-Katten. Jake's dessert is on the left and mine is on the right. They were really good.
We went bowling on Sunday with Lisa, Jimmy and Makena, Lisa's sister, and had a great time. While we were there I saw two students that I've had in class. Thankfully since one school calls me Mrs. Janzen and the other calls me Kara it is easy to figure out which school they know me from :).
Hope you enjoyed another peek into our week!
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